Quality Management and Compliance

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Wellnest embodies a holistic approach to long-term success that views continuous improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as a short-term goal. It aims to radically transform the organization through progressive changes in the attitudes, practices, structures, and systems.

Total quality management involves everyone in the organization and encompasses its every function so that there is: (1) commitment and direct involvement of highest-level executives in setting quality goals and policies, allocation of resources, and monitoring of results; (2) realization that transforming an organization means fundamental changes in basic beliefs and practices and that this transformation is everyone’s job; (3) building quality into products and practices right from the beginning; (4) understanding of the changing needs of the internal and external customers, and stakeholders, and satisfying them in a cost-effective manner; (5) instituting leadership in place of mere supervision so that every individual performs in the best possible manner to improve quality and productivity, thereby continually reducing total cost; (6) eliminating barriers between people and departments so that they work as teams to achieve common objectives; and (7) instituting flexible programs for training and education, and providing meaningful measures of performance that guide the self-improvement efforts of everyone involved.

We attended the Building Bridges for Youth Well-being Symposium, the speakers in the morning and afternoon were stellar and very enlightening, passionate! The panel was excellent in being honest, challenging us to think beyond our traditional systems and continue growing toward more humanity and dedication in how we help and work with youth.

– Jada