Intensive Services

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For youth who need more help, our Intensive Services Division provides a higher level of behavioral health care. Families with children who have severe emotional or behavioral difficulties can receive individually designed services at Wellnest or at home, in school, and in the community—all depending on the family’s needs.

Full Service Partnership

The Full Service Partnership (FSP) gives families with children experiencing serious emotional and behavioral problems the opportunity to receive intensive, coordinated services. Wellnest’s FSP team includes clinical therapists, parent partners, case managers, and psychiatrists. Each family receives an individually planned array of services, which can include therapy, skill-building, case management, and medication. FSP also funds less-traditional services, such as a family’s costs associated with supporting their child’s mental health and pro-social behavior. Family involvement is required to effect change. Parents are assisted in navigating through systems of community resources.


This nationally recognized model of service delivery focuses on children and youth at risk of experiencing an out-of-home placement. An individual plan of care is driven by family-designated teams that include their treatment team, child welfare, and or juvenile justice workers, educators, natural supporters, and other community members. Wraparound’s flexible funding allows teams to do “whatever it takes” to assist in keeping a child in the community and in their home. Interventions tailored to the needs and strengths of each family can include trauma-informed therapeutic services and other support services, and activities that nurture optimal functioning for the child.

Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services

Families throughout Los Angeles County with child welfare involvement can get help for their child’s serious emotional disturbances through the Intensive Field Capable Clinical Services (IFCCS) program. Wellnest staff collaborate with a wide range of child-serving providers in a strengths- and needs-based approach, with child and family at the center. In addition to behavioral health interventions for the child, help is available for parents/caregivers in addressing their own trauma, which impacts both family and child stabilization. IFCCS also provides case management, psychiatry services, and links to community resources for housing, financial, and health services. Our staff responds to crises 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most services are provided in the field.


The therapist Ms. Reina. She is one of the most caring people that I have met. My daughter loves her so much and trusts her so much. She was happy to come over here after school because of her. Thank you, Ms. Reina.

– Imani